Neptune Rx - Dispelling Delusion

essentialzodiaclightthrufog Neptune Retrograde takes place from June 13 to November 19, 2016, which means we're in for more than five months' worth of getting real.  Neptune is the dreamy planet that, at its best, makes us see beyond the tangible world and explore spirituality, faith and fantasy. The dark side of Neptune is that its love of illusion can inspire us to escape to alternate realities we’ve created for ourselves - delusions. Neptune can encourage us to live in denial. We all have specific fears we don’t want to deal with, such as nagging financial issues or a difficult romantic relationship. Chances are, Neptune is behind any excuses you invent to support the idea that everything is fine. When Neptune is retrograde, however, it's much more difficult to ignore the truth. Neptune’s dreamy edge usually allows us to gloss over unpleasant truths (like credit card balances or red flags in our relationships), its move backward gives us the opposite: a harsh wake-up call. It is essential that we do something about the problems that we pick up on while Neptune is retrograde because they can worsen when Neptune goes direct. This transit provokes you to make big changes in your life and here is why that is a good thing: 1. You no longer ignore things like bad relationships or being in debt. 2. You have the ability to stop dreaming and starting doing. 3. You are able to figure out what's real and what's fantasy. 4. You can think more clearly and plan more carefully for the future. 5. You will re-evaluate what's truly important to you. Below are the general horoscopes for each sign. For more personalized information, contact me.

Aries – 12th House of the Subconscious - Here is your chance to dive deep and rise to the surface of your subconscious with that most highly valued prize: the truth. Pay close attention to the neuroses that occupy your thinking now, and be bold in seizing the opportunity for healing that comes with smoking them out. Avoid indulging in mind-altering substances. Be honest with yourself and embrace clarity as a tool for lasting personal development.

Taurus – 11th House of Social Networking - Choose not to ignore your paranoia about issues affecting any area of your life where group dynamics rule. Demand to know the details of the political dealings you rightly sense are going on behind the scenes. Then, think not what your friends can do for you, but what you can do for your friends. Fall into compassion and fire up your humanitarian efforts. Meditate on the germ of a revolutionary idea, and watch it flourish.

Gemini – 10th House of Career and Public Standing - Duties or responsibilities you’ve been avoiding can no longer be ignored. It’s time to take the reins and begin to steer your ship into deeper waters, however intimidating this might feel. Don’t be afraid to tap into your inner ball-breaker. Act “as if” you’re the boss. When the limelight beckons, don’t hide away in the shadows. Get real about the sacrifices you need to make if you want your career to take off the way you envision.

Cancer – 9th House of Wisdom - Come out of your cave and give in to your wanderlust. A spiritual awakening could be in store for you when you open your mind and put paid to fears you can now see are completely unfounded. Dive into your studies in the University of Life and embark on a vision quest or spiritual pilgrimage. To achieve enlightenment, deal only in what you know in your soul to be the truth and demand the same of others.

Leo - 8th House of Sex and Shared Resources - Like a butterfly, you are on a journey of transformation and rebirth. But now you’re being asked to come clean about wherever wallowing in your comfort zone is stunting your personal growth. Escape into obsession and control will only compound your sense of being stuck. Ignore your intuition at your peril, and pick up creative projects with your typical gusto. A mystery about an inheritance or money owed could also be resolved.

Virgo – 7th House of Marriage and Partnerships - Expect a breakthrough as deep-seated fractures in your closest relationships come up for air and healing. Embrace situations that show your creative and business collaborators’ true colors, and resolve to accept what you see. Give in to the notion of compromise. See past your ego for ways for justice to be served. Accept that the skeletons in your closet could actually be good PR.

Libra – 6th House of Work, Health and Service - Any flaws in your logic will be exposed now, so arm yourself with a backup plan. Details you’d prefer to gloss over will demand your attention. Tackling mundane-seeming tasks could actually lead to the breakthroughs you’ve been looking for. Knuckle down. Your health and well being is at risk if you continue to delude yourself about your diet. Be ready to redraft a creative project to perfection.

Scorpio – 5th House of Creativity and Fun - A clandestine affair or flirtation could come to light, or maybe you’ll be asked to play your hand in matters of the heart. Your secret vice won’t stay a secret for long. A creative project you’re personally invested in could come to fruition now, and this fertile creative phase could also see your parental urges kick in. Be wary of situations that allow you to escape into over-indulgence. A hidden talent for the performing arts could also be revealed.

Sagittarius – 4th House of Home and Family - Expect the unexpected from a family situation, as whatever’s been going on behind the scenes is unveiled. Family therapy could prove especially insightful. In all other areas, embark on a Dream Quest to get to the heart of the matter and let your subconscious be your guide. Now examine your daily habits. What nourishes you and what is holding you back will be clearer now.

Capricorn – 3rd House of Communication - Be ruthless in speaking the truth. Allow yourself to hear the same in what others are saying. A hidden affinity with writing or speaking may come to light, embrace opportunities to explore this. Allow your logical mind to be infiltrated by your intuition. Journal about your dreams. A sibling’s or neighbor’s secret may be revealed.

Aquarius – 2nd House of Material Possessions - Get real about your finances and banish your credit cards to the back drawer. No more hiding your head in the sand and spending beyond your means, especially if shopping is a means of escape for you. Ask yourself; who am I without my luxuries and creature comforts? A creative way to add to your income may be unlocked. Look out for it, leave no stone un-turned. Then act.

Pisces – 1st House of Self  -You’ll see past what’s in the mirror and view body image issues for what they really are: nothing but a figment of your insecurities. Now is the time for honest self-observation. Get real as you analyze your actions. In what ways do you allow your emotions to sabotage your personal vitality? Clean up your act. Insist on clarity of self-expression, no lying to yourself or your inner child.

June 2016 - Information Overload June is going to be a challenging and trying time.  While the New Moon in Gemini on June 4 promises communications-related opportunity, there's a catch. Gemini is often accused of being a superficial sign, due to its tendency to jump around from one talking point to another and seemingly never staying on one long enough to get to the bottom.  You might feel scattered mentally and find it difficult to concentrate on one project at a time. Don't fall into the Gemini shadow now by biting off more than you can chew.  Sharpen your focus and pick one, possibly two projects to work on.

Mercury finally moves out of Taurus after more than 2 months, and enters his home sign of Gemini. Mercury is quite comfortable in this versatile placement bringing with it all kinds of ideas, thoughts and forms of self-expression. But we are prone to speak without thinking, become scattered and easily bored.

On the June 13, spiritual Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces until mid-November and we are forced to confront those issues we’d rather keep buried. When Neptune turns retrograde our feelings are more astute at picking up and perceiving the illusive. It is easier to ascertain information about issues that have eluded us (or we have ignored) while Neptune was direct. It is essential that we do something about the problems that we discover because they can worsen when Neptune goes direct.

We face further tests when Saturn squares Neptune on June 17. This period happens every 18 years and is often a time of great hope or disillusionment for society at large. The end of World War II or the Kennedy assassination is examples of how this energy can play out. Even though everyone is not personally affected, everyone is somehow changed and life isn't quite the same afterwards. The conflict of ideal with real, whichever temporarily triumphs, reminds one that the two worlds are fundamentally at odds and that you must juggle both in order to be human. The lesson lies not in the fact that we see it, but that we so quickly forget it.

But then the cosmic energy eases up starting with the Full Moon coinciding with the Sun’s shift into Cancer on June 20. The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius which governs our personal belief systems, our philosophy of life, and our spiritual search for the meaning of life. Later in the afternoon, the Sun enters Cancer and marks the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. In Cancer, the Sun’s ego-centered energy combines with the reflective, hidden energy of the Moon, its ruler. The past is important to Cancer, as is the concept of nurturing both ourselves and others.

On June 26, one of the most favorable alignments occurs between mighty Jupiter and powerful Pluto. Transiting Jupiter will trine Pluto greatly increasing our power and influence. This transit is particularly significant occurring so close to a seasonal turning point.  New frontiers, hot prospects and expanded operations are not hard to sell right now. Whatever you are promoting, confidence is key. The more faith you have in yourself, the more others will have in you and the more likely things will work out right since everyone is expecting them to. Journeys made now will also greatly transform our outlook on life, and be remembered as once in a lifetime experiences.

Last but not least, on June 29 Mars resumes its direct motion after 2 1/2 months of being retrograde. Now moving forward, Mars is strong and positive, even more so when it’s at home in Scorpio (Mars ruled Scorpio before the discovery of Pluto). So barriers are lifted, goals become clear, while actions and initiatives begin to have bigger chances of success. Now you'll begin to get your mojo back and will have the stamina to pursue your goals without being in your own way.


Jupiter Square Saturn

essentialzodiaclessonpic Jupiter in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius on May 26th 2016, signifying a period of growing pains and we will feel the effects until late summer. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and increase; Saturn is the planet of contraction and boundaries. This square planetary aspect represents a challenge to face your fears, grow and make life more than it was before. It also teaches you to work with what you’ve got. A square is about conflict and struggle. It motivates you to action. Jupiter-Saturn is a challenge to work hard and manifest your vision; to pursue your goals and no longer put off that which you can do right here and now.

This transit represents the last great effort of finding a balance between the brakes of Saturn and the accelerator of Jupiter. It is forcing us to take a hard look at the most fundamental things in our lives, and question if the ideological and philosophical foundations of our lives are correct for us or not. We are being tested, forced to take a hard look at ourselves, made to try harder, think harder. In this period of time, we will learn to get down to business, be more grounded and balanced. The Jupiter-Saturn Square offers us an opportunity to finally fine tune the application of our beliefs and philosophies to our work, our daily habits, and to our self-care. It’s a loud and clear message to “walk our talk”. This is a call to action to get serious (Saturn) about what we say is our highest purpose (Jupiter).


For someone as impatient to get on with it as you, Saturn-Jupiter’s “stop-start” methods are bound to prove frustrating. But there’s no need to get all huffed up about it. You may not be able to charge toward your goals with your usual energy, but you stand to accomplish much if you halt for a minute and give your strategy some thought. The challenge is to develop far reaching vision and put in the work to achieve it. Charging ahead unthinkingly is as counterproductive as is getting bogged down and losing sight of the bigger picture. This is the time to think seriously about your future. There is a fine line between realism and pessimism so avoid negative thinking or too judgmental an attitude. A realistic view of your goals is just the ticket to make your efforts count.


What does a Taurus fear most? Change and financial insecurity. You are called to grapple with both, take calculated risks, face your fears and reclaim your power. The good news is that you can do so from a position of joy and inspiration. That’s because Jupiter is in your love zone bringing you luck and happiness and filling your life with little pleasures. Your task is to commit unwaveringly to letting in greater love, creativity and happiness and to face those personal limitations that prevent you from doing so. By focusing on what speaks to your heart, you can transform your life for the better, opening up new horizons to explore.


Saturn personified may not be the easiest thing to deal with, but you will meet this old task-master in your relationships now. Your partner may be refusing to play ball, or it may be that he or she is going through a maturation process of their own and has less time for you. If so, your job is to decide how committed you are in the relationship and restore the balance of power and financial flow between you. At the same time, a new vision that’s been born within you is struggling to make itself heard. This may be you wanting to move and travel more, a wish for a bigger home or a desire to settle down and start a family. But it appears that getting your significant other on the same page is a mighty challenge. If your relationship is sound, the key is to keep trying, respecting both yours and your partner's needs until you find a creative solution.


Being Jupiter’s most beloved child, you always stand to benefit greatly from his gifts of abundance. He’s now filling your head with exciting ideas, making you eager to travel, express yourself, connect with interesting people, have fun and live a little. However, Saturn insists that your work must come first, for there’s indeed work to be done. You may find yourself struggling between work limitations on the one hand and your thirst to travel and learn on the other. The key to resolving this creative conflict seems to be to put your ideas to the test. Are they workable? Are they usable? Make something of them. Relationships are also tested, as you come across interesting romantic or business propositions. Some of these will indeed be in it for the long haul. Your task is to discern these people among the many who come and go and align yourself to them.


Two very important aspects of your life are challenged: your love life and finances.  On the one hand Jupiter is pushing you to earn more money, invest in yourself and make the best of what you've got. On the other hand Saturn is making you reluctant to take significant risks. Your body is eager to enjoy life’s pleasures and you know you have lots to give. But your heart is fearful. Your challenge is to find a creative resolution between these forces. You can do so by taking calculated risks. Rather than overanalyzing the situation, focus on connecting with your heart. The key is to find a way to commit to your own happiness and to follow your heart wherever it may take you, even if that means facing your fears or reining in your expenses.


The effort you put in now to improve your life will set you on a fantastic journey of growth and discovery for the next ten years. But there are obstacles in the form of family responsibilities and household pressures. Your parents may demand much of your attention, or you may have your plate full bringing up your kids or sorting out your living situation. Nonetheless try you must! Your challenge is to trust in yourself and have the courage to go after what you want, despite all these other demands. Why not use them constructively instead? It’s well known that if you want something done you should give it to the busiest person you know. In very much the same way, as the pressures mount, your desire to improve your own life strengthens. This intensity can give you the determination you need to pursue your goals.


You’ve been going through some tough times in the past few years but Saturn is here to help you learn from all this and put your own stamp on the final result. Your day to day work and communications, whether at home or at work, may have been hard going recently, squeezing your brains and making you watch your words and think harder about the ideas you want to entertain, the people you want around you and the very foundation on which to build your life. Family or real-estate matters may weigh heavily on your mind and it will require great care and attention for you to direct them. Soon you will come to realize, however, that rational thought is not enough. You will also have to let certain things go, trusting your intuition or simply hoping and praying that they turn out alright. You do have a guardian angel looking out for you, so you have nothing to fear!


Saturn has set up shop in your money zone and seems determined to put you through a bit of a financial grinder. Yes, it may be hard at times and you may have to show caution around your finances, or commit to certain outgoings that put pressure on you. But it won’t all be for nothing. You have an amazing chance to go after your highest dreams and aspirations this year. If you are wise with your money and not too afraid to invest where it matters, you have a real chance to build for the future and be a force for good for all those around you. Ultimately, this process can help you establish greater influence. An important relationship or friendship may also be put to the test now, as you try to make sure you are giving your time and energy to the right people.


As Jupiter’s child you are probably experiencing this transit as especially challenging. Gone are the good times and easy progress of the past. And gone with them may be your natural optimism and faith. Saturn is in your sign demanding that you undergo a maturity test and rise to these challenges, especially when it comes to improving your career and finances. It’s time for you to grow professionally. But to do so, you will have to take on responsibilities, commit fully to one thing and accept limitation, something Sagittarius hates. This may also involve financial restrictions - at least for the time being - in order to build a solid professional and financial future for yourself.


You have always been Saturn’s child and challenges do not scare you - indeed you thrive on them! But this one may be slightly different to the ones you're used to. Your challenge is to let go of old ideas as to who you are and what life is supposed to be and open yourself to new horizons. This may sound slightly too ‘hippie’ to your ears but it is not. It is basically a challenge to reinvent yourself. But to do that you need to first let go of that which no longer serves you. An educational, legal or media project may require sacrifices, making you feel isolated. Travelling incognito to distant places can be liberating now, allowing you to shed old baggage even for a while. Otherwise, regular withdrawals for meditation and healing may be required to help you loosen up. If your vision is strong and if you accept that there are things that are indeed beyond your control - a toughie for a Capricorn - you can drop dead weight and spread your wings towards better places.


Saturn has always been your friend and you're not afraid of his challenges. At the same time, you have an ace up your sleeve and that’s your unique ideals, outlook and originality, which always surprise others. This period you are truly challenged to use that inventive mind of yours to realize your life’s aspirations. There may be some financial obstacles in your way but with Jupiter as your backer, there should be an ample supply of those who wish to support you, both financially and otherwise.  Your friendships are being tested too. You can place your trust in others as long as you are also respectful of their limitations. Use this time to push forward with an important collaborative project, while Jupiter is helping you financially.


The fish swims in the vastness of the ocean and has but little experience of solid structures, boundaries and limitations. This is not a bad thing as it is difficult to build anything on water. You will be prompted to develop your authority, take on responsibilities and rise to professional challenges. You may gain a high visibility position in your career or you may mature through taking on new family responsibilities. Such developments may put pressure on your relationship, but these will only help you grow together. If you’ve both been doing your bit then your bond will strengthen. But if the other party has been acting irresponsibly, it's time for them to get with the program. If you are single, someone you meet now will be like a teacher and mentor to you.



Gemini and The Lovers

essentialzodiacgeminisun On May 20th, the Sun enters Gemini, The Twins, the sign of the zodiac associated with The Lovers Tarot card. The Sun moving into airy Gemini signals a lighthearted time to meet new people, explore new ideas and learn new things. Gemini is a curious and intellectual zodiac sign, ruled by planet Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, this connects Gemini to ideas, information and communication, which is why so many of us do a lot of extra thinking, analyzing, learning and chatting this time of year. Gemini is also restless; preferring to do several fantastic things at once instead of focusing on just one and this can cause Gemini to seem scattered. More than anything, Gemini brings an affectionate, playful and fun energy to everyone this time of year. If you can learn to enjoy it all without overextending yourself during this time, the bright, playful energy of the Gemini Sun will light up your life.

The Lovers Card, numbered six, the twins represented were Castor and Pollux born to Queen Leda who slept with the god Zeus and also with King Tyndareus of Sparta in quick succession. Castor is the immortal son of Zeus and Pollux is his mortal "twin" brother. The boys so loved each other that they were inseparable. When Pollux died in battle, immortal Castor begged Zeus to allow him to join Pollux forever in the afterlife. As a result, the two boys were placed in the heavens as the constellation Gemini. The mythology of Gemini is replete with difficult decisions. The card pictures a representation of Adam and Eve before their decision to eat the forbidden fruit. Behind them stands an angel. Eve stands next to the Tree of Knowledge and around that tree is coiled the snake that circles the waist of The Magician. Adam stands next to the tree with its twelve fruits, one for each sign of the zodiac. The two figures in the Lovers card are blessed and protected by the Archangel Raphael, the angel of Air. One of the associations of Air is communication, necessary for a healthy relationship. The flames behind the man represent the flames of passion, indicating the primary concern of the man. There are twelve flames, representing the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity. The man looks to the woman, who looks to the angel, indicating the path of the conscious to the subconscious to the super-conscious, or from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns. The mountain is a phallic symbol, while the water is a feminine symbol, indicating balance between the two.


Tarot Meditations While the Sun Is in Gemini

The period when the Sun transits through Gemini is an excellent time to meditate on tarot's The Lovers. Ponder the myths of Castor and Pollux. Do you show your loved ones how much you really care? What are the important decisions you are facing in your life? Can you live with the consequences of your choice? What are you willing to sacrifice or compromise to maintain your relationship? Is that healthy for you?

To prepare for mediation, sit or lie in a comfortable place and allow your body to be free of tension and distractions. Pay attention to your breathing. Feel your breath go in and out as you inhale and exhale. If distracting thoughts enter your mind, simply observe them and allow them to float by as you gently return your attention to your breathing. When you have established a steady, comfortable rhythm of breathing rhythmically in and out, turn your focus to the tarot card. Observe the card and contemplate its images. Let your mind be open to the messages you receive from it. When you have completed your meditation, you may wish to record your observations in a notebook for review later on.

May 2016 - Time to Reflect

essentialzodiacReflection As May begins, there are five planets trekking through a retrograde cycle: communicator Mercury, forceful Mars, expansive Jupiter (although Jupiter will turn direct on May 9th), structured Saturn and transformative Pluto. Despite their poor reputations for disruption and chaos which is not without merit, Retrogrades are also an important time to slow down, step back and correct course. Are you on the best possible path or are you just charging ahead blindly? The Universe is giving us a grace period to sort that all out.

For the next few months, we need to be clear on who we are, what we are doing, where we are going and start practicing it. These 4 months are our gift to learn how to be our true authentic selves.  Here is a short overview of the energy you can experience from each planet:

1. Mars causes feeling of “I want to move forward but I can’t”. It is a fast moving planet and hates slowness but we are forced to re-evaluate how we react and our actions so we can be a more aligned path with our authentic self.

2. Saturn wants us to take slow, steady steps with lots of time for reflection. We learn to look at our beliefs, thoughts, movement, action in life and business. Are you trying to do too much, are you glossing over things and are you not walking your talk.

3. Jupiter asks us to look at how we want to expand our lives and make sure we are being true to who we are. How can you love and honor yourself more?

4. Pluto challenges our beliefs, perceptions, our inner selves and shadow side. It wants us to really dig deep and clear out things that no longer serve.

5. Mercury wants us to look at everything about communication, contacts, technology, appliances and vehicles. What need to be repaired, redone or fixed? Are all your “I’s” dotted and “T’s” crossed.

It is a beautiful gift if we choose to see it that way. Our energy and time is precious. Do the groundwork now. Build your foundation and shine authentically.

Each planet affects a different part of your chart. I can provide you with a road map to help you see what you need to work on and to watch out for during the next few challenging months. If you want a retrograde astrology chart, please click here.