September 2016 - Ending and Beginnings

New chapters are igniting and old ones are closing out in September. Everything will center on the eclipses but there are some other important things happening alongside them. Patience will be needed while the universe helps steer us in the right direction.

We start out the month with Mercury Retrograde in exacting Virgo until the 22nd.  While we will have to deal with the customary retrograde snafus, this transit will give us a chance to review the path we are on, so that any doubts we may have will become clearer to by the time Mercury turns direct. For more detail on this transit, see my post here.

The Solar Eclipse in Virgo occurring on the first day of September brings the tangible feeling of changing seasons, of leaving something significant behind and preparing for a new cycle to commence. Virgo season begins the harvest season; a time of reaping and preparation. The Virgo Solar Eclipse brings to light any shadow Virgo issues of perfectionism or self-doubt that get in the way of giving our gifts to the world. The Virgo part of all of us is learning to understand perfection as a process, not a result, and the best way to perfect our skills is to use them.

Jupiter the giver of blessings and abundance will move into relationship-oriented Libra on the 9th and remain until October 2017, helping you maximize the potential behind all business and personal alliances.  The energy in play will help manifest love, luck and cooperation much more abundantly than it is now. People are going to be more in the mood to connect. They will want to work in partnerships rather than fly solo. It will also help those struggling in relationships. Perhaps you’ve been thinking of jumping ship with a particular relationship. If you’re serious about making it work then this shift can help you. 

When the Sun enters the sign of Libra on the Autumn Equinox, the 22nd, half of the astrological year is over. Today we take stock of the balance or lack of in our lives.  How are our light and dark aspects working?  Are we in harmony with ourselves? Mercury turns direct today as well.  This is Mercury's home sign so the communication planet feels comfortable here and is ready and willing to think clearly, get organized and manage complex projects once gain.  Put all that valuable research you’ve done over the past few weeks to use and initiate your new ideas and projects.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 16th encourages you to take time to fulfill your fantasies. This Pisces Full Moon rises during the season of earthy, no-nonsense Virgo. This means that your creativity must be directed and channeled. Pisces energy can sometimes dissipate itself by over-commitment to too many projects. Fortunately, Virgo will help you focus, to commit and to begin to bring those heaven-inspired dreams down to earth. Every Full Moon in the monthly cycle is a time for culmination. It always indicates a shift in matters at hand, and this eclipse in particular marks a transition into an exciting new chapter.

September will close out on a high note! Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, will also station direct on September 26th.  This is another sign that energy is shifting in a direction where we can move forward.

The relationship-driven New Moon in Libra will wrap up the month on September 30th.  A New Moon in Libra brings the focus onto relationships and you can expect issues that need to be resolved to come up during this period. It can show us where darkness is lurking, so if you are in an unhealthy relationship, things will come to light, especially if you have been blind to it. Use this moon to find your own source of inner harmony and balance.