November 2019 - The Awakening

The New Moon on October 27 and Mercury Retrograde on October 31 both in the sign of Scorpio, continues to affect us in November setting the tone for the contemplative winter season ahead. We’re encouraged to move away from our comfort zone and to welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It’s a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Mercury Retrograde is an excellent period for getting in touch with our instincts, motivations, and “dark” side. Retrograde Mercury periods tend to send us to the past for more or previously hidden information, and while in Scorpio, this is especially the case.

The month starts off on a good foot as Venus moves from Scorpio's intensity into the sign of optimism and expansion on November 1.  Venus in Sagittarius brings a sense of idealism, optimism, hope, where ethics and morality plays a huge part in the equation. Venus gets “down to earth” later in the month when on November 25 it moves into Capricorn where usefulness outshines beauty. Here the focus is our responsibilities to others in our relationships. And remember to “fall back” when Daylight Savings Time ends on November 3.

There is a troubling square between Mars and Pluto on November 5. Both Mars and Pluto are Scorpio’s rulers (Mars is considered the traditional ruler before Pluto was discovered.) so this alignment carries strong Scorpio themes. We may be faced with some confronting news or we may find ourselves feeling angry or irritable. It may also bring themes from the recent Scorpio New Moon to a head or we may have to revisit some events from February 2019. This energy has the potential to get intense or hostile very quickly so try your best to keep your cool and make sure you give yourself healthy outlets if you do feel emotions bubbling to the surface. It should be noted that this is a Tuesday and there may be local elections in your area. Keep your eyes open to any irregularities since we are still in Mercury Rx territory as well.

On November 11, the Sun also aligns exactly with Mercury in retrograde. This day signifies the rebirth of Mercury and will be a day to watch when it comes to the themes of this Mercury Retrograde. Mercury will appear as a black spot and will be visible here on the east coast, but because Mercury is so small you will need a telescope. The transit or passage of a planet across the face of the Sun is a relatively rare occurrence. As seen from Earth, only transits of Mercury and Venus are possible. The next transit will be in 2032.  Astrologically, although it will have little or no effect on a natal horoscope, this transit can still reveal important information that my include warnings of large scale weather disturbance.  Things can get complicated because Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio which can be a disturbing mix of energy.  I will have more information closer to this transit.

The Full Moon on November 12 occurs in the sign of Taurus, serving to reawaken an urgent interest in the physical world and in our own sensual needs and desires. We should watch for stubbornness at this time, although some self-interest is healthy and necessary. The New Moon is energized by Sagittarius on November 26 awakening the adventurer in us all. This lunation offers us the opportunity to focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness, give us the courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism from a broader perspective. With this potent Sagittarius energy, we can find ways to transcend the details of day-to-day life and nurture our faith, hope, and vision.

Mars enters Scorpio on November 19 and there's intensity and passion during this cycle which comes around only every two years. Mars and Scorpio share a strong relationship with sexuality that can transform “like” to “lust”. But people can be aggressive, controlling and possessive, but they're also capable of great endurance. Fiery Mars in watery Scorpio can express energy as unrelenting aggressiveness or anger. Keeping your Thanksgiving table a, “politics free zone”, might be best this year.

Mercury returns to regular orbit on November 20 and Neptune follows suit on November 27 just in time to smooth things out a bit for the holidays.  When the calendar turns to December we will only have Uranus in retrograde orbit and that transit will end early January.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22 and our focus shifts from the need for intimate connections to the desire to reach out beyond our back door. While the Sun moves through this fiery, mutable sign, we can take steps to increase our understanding and awareness of the world around us. Although we may be prone to overdoing our expectations, we have the opportunity to nurture our faith, hope, and vision under this influence.

 Sun Sign Horoscopes for the Sun in Sagittarius

(These horoscopes are based on your Sun Sign only. For more accurate information read your rising sign as well.  Or better yet, order a customized forecast.)


As a fellow Fire sign, you can easily embrace the high energy and enthusiasm available this month. In your 9th House of Travel, the Sagittarius Sun stirs up your desire to stretch your mental and physical boundaries and discover new territory. You're full of big ideas and the confidence to act on them which you can do best when you focus your intention with precision. Commit to a grounded plan of action for expanding your life and achieving your idealistic goals.

Lighting up your 8th House of Intimacy, the Sun invites you to broaden your emotional horizons and take the risk of connecting more deeply with others. Merging energy and resources with trusted allies leads to unexpected opportunities for expansion. To take full advantage of the energy available, you may need to let go of old beliefs about yourself and your potential. What story are you telling yourself about your power? It could be time for revision.

You're likely to attract spirited friends and playmates this month, with the Sun energizing your 7th House of Partners. While your confidence is high in the relationship realm, take the risk of reaching out and if you lead with your sense of humor, you'll have the best chance for success. Great self-awareness is available now through your connections. In case of any conflict, take the high road see it as an opportunity for greater honesty and depth.


You may be busier than usual this month, with the excessive Sun in your 6th House of Work and Duties. With a positive attitude and sense of humor, all this busyness can be energizing rather than draining. Just try to stay present and focus on one task at a time. Now is also an auspicious time to improve your health. If you've been thinking about starting a new diet, exercise routine or other self-care habit, you have the cosmic support to make it happen.


In your 5th House of Self-Expression, the Sun fuels your creative fire and ushers you into the spotlight. You have the opportunity now to get in touch with the source of your inspiration and reenergize your artistic vision. Making time for the activities that feel like fun and bring you into your heart will help you access the abundant creative energy. Romance is also highlighted this month.


The Sun visits the deepest part of your chart, 4th House of Foundations to expand your base of inner and outer support. You can now get a higher perspective on what security means to you and a new vision for how to go about achieving it. Notice the elements of your life that feel nourishing and sustaining and those you might have outgrown. Expressing gratitude for what and who is in your life that supports you helps build a stronger foundation.

In your 3rd House of Thinking, the Sagittarius Sun fires up your mental realm with brilliant ideas and an optimistic attitude. Speaking, writing, learning and teaching are all on the front burner for you this month, and are all activities that can fuel your inspiration. When you take the risk of sharing your vision, you open up the opportunity to connect with like-minded allies. Your intuition is stronger than your logic right now.

Opportunities to expand your income abound, as the Sun lights up your 2nd House of Resources. You can now strengthen your base of financial support and build greater security for your future. Of course, because you're feeling more abundant, you may also be tempted to spend more than usual. Your approach to money, both spending and saving, can be a great learning experience, revealing your true beliefs and values.

Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! The Sun in your home sign signals the start of a brand new cycle, as it visits your 1st House of Identity. It's time to expand your sense of who you are and what's possible and to take a risk towards bringing this new vision of yourself into reality. Think about the story you want to tell about your life one year from now. Trust that your desires are leading you to the adventure that best serves your highest purpose.

With the Sun in your 12th House of Dreams and Spirit, this month's expansive energy permeates your inner world. Your intuition is stronger than usual, and you can more easily access guidance from the invisible realm. To tap into this rich and rewarding source of wisdom, spend time in solitude and pay close attention to your dreams. The inspiration you gather now will serve you well when you're ready to come out of the shadows next month and start a new cycle.

Igniting your optimism about the future, the Sun visits your 11th House of Hopes and Wishes. It's time to expand your personal vision as well as your ideas about how to make the world a better place. Connecting with people who can help you reach your lofty goals is easier than ever this month, as your magnetic powers are amplified. Make the most of this lucky time by networking and participating in group activities.

The auspicious Sun lights up your 10th House of Career and Public Image, inspiring you to take risks in your professional life. You now have the opportunity to get a higher perspective on your work in the world, and to discover what success really means to you. If you've been longing to take your work in a new direction, now is the time to make your move. The hard work and extra responsibility this month will result in big rewards later so be patient.