Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Leo

The Full Moon on January 31st is a rare celestial event; the last time it occurred was 150 years ago. It’s a Blue Moon, a Super Moon and a total Lunar Eclipse all wrapped up in proud Leo finery. As with anything to do with Leo, we are dealing with an emphasis on self, central ideas and leadership. Eclipses shake, rattle, and roll. Leo Full Moons magnify feelings. The intensity of this Full moon tells us there is potential for a drama.

Lunar Eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles that have run their course, and they require us to leave something in the past. Although the Leo Moon emphasizes our personal needs, the Aquarius Sun lights a path into the future that’s for the common good. We can visualize the best possible outcome if we’re willing to cooperate on social issues. 

This Leo Full Moon is a cosmic response to last August’s total solar eclipse. Both are milestones in the current Leo/Aquarius eclipse cycle. All the goals and desires you began to plan back then are now coming to fruition. Also this will powerfully impact the global community, leaving individuals to sort out where they fit in the bigger picture.

Contact me to see where this moon will impact your natal chart.