September 2019 - Reaping our Harvest

Another turn of the wheel and we leave behind the lighthearted and relaxed days of Summer and head into the Autumn to begin to “harvest” what we have “planted” in the Spring. 

During the first part of the month with the Sun in Virgo and six other planets in Earth signs, we will feel the need to get grounded and to think about our day to day routine. The first part of the month is also great for getting organized, for clearing out the clutter from your home or your mind and for making sure your routine leaves time for self-care. Our health is on Virgo’s list and now is perfect time to start that exercise/diet program you’ve been putting off.  Virgo will help you get motivated. Earth energy likes to keep things practical and simple, so be realistic when it comes to your goals and what it is that you want to get done. Remember, this is not a time for dreaming it is a time for doing and taking action. 

The Virgo New Moon occurred at the end of August and that energy has spilled into the new month. Now that you’ve plucked that wheat the Virgo is known for holding, how are you going to use it? This is the time to attend to the little details, to take care of the earthy, practical phases of life.

The beginning of the month has some challenging transits that make staying focused not so easy.  Particularly the Sun opposite Neptune transit on Sept. 10 can make you feel directionless. Seeing what you want is very difficult, much less creating a goal and working toward accomplishing it. And the Mars square Jupiter transit on Sept. 12 can make you reckless. You want to experience more and grow as a result, but this becomes somewhat challenging during this transit.

The Full Moon in Pisces on Sept. 14 during the season of earthy, no-nonsense Virgo means that your creativity must be directed and channeled. Pisces energy can sometimes dissipate itself by over-commitment to too many projects. Fortunately, Virgo will help you focus, to commit and to begin to bring those heaven-inspired dreams down to earth. Every Full Moon in the monthly cycle is a time for culmination.

That same day a strong dose of Libra energy is in the sky with both Mercury and Venus moving into that sign.  Libra signifies balance so in our matters of love and communication, we’re offered an opportunity to find a sense of equilibrium. This is important, because analytical Virgo energy can turn neurotic or anxious without the kind of counterweight Libra provides. Between Libra and Virgo, there are several planetary aspects throughout September that challenge us to reevaluate our fantasy world and bring a sense of grounding to our dreams.

After a little over four months retrograde, Saturn will finally go direct in Capricorn on Sept. 18. This is the momentum you need to focus and finally tackle any projects you’ve been procrastinating on. Unresolved issues will feel settled, allowing you to move forward. Anything you’ve learned in the past few months can now be put into practice. Saturn turning direct is a pivotal moment as now it will march on forward towards Pluto without any interruptions. The alignment of Saturn and Pluto will happen in January 2020 but we will start to feel it towards the end of this year. This is a deeply transformative alignment that will bring a lot of energy for us to work with on both a personal and global level. I’ll have more information later in the year.

Sept. 21 then brings the final meeting of the Jupiter/Neptune Square. This transit occurred three times this year. As they approach their final meeting, a new truth may be revealed or we may find that things were not what they seemed. While this could be challenging, we will feel more confident in making plans, trusting our intuition, and moving forward.

The Autumn Equinox on the Sept. 23 heralds in the second half of the year and we take stock of the balance or lack of in our lives.  The Libra Sun encourages harmony between the individual self and the shared self. While in Libra, the Sun urges us to find the balance between remaining true to who we are even in a relationship, practice objectivity and be reminded that we are creatures who flourish when making connections with others.

We end the month with the New Moon in Libra on Sept. 28, which will help us to integrate the lessons the month has brought our way. All through September, we were being encouraged to get organized, to clear the clutter and to rework our schedules. We will be able to take all we have discovered and learned and integrate it in a way that brings ease and balance into our lives.

Sun Sign Horoscopes for the Sun in Libra

(These horoscopes are based on your Sun Sign only. For more accurate information read your rising sign as well.  Or better yet, order a customized monthly or daily forecast.)

The Sun in your opposite sign and in your 7th House of Partnerships challenges you to enhance your diplomatic skills and carefully consider the impact of your actions on others. Your focus is on creating greater harmony and equality in all your relationships -- romantic, business and friendship. Identify where you're either giving or receiving too much and express what you need with tact and sensitivity. Relationships from the past could resurface, perhaps requiring renegotiation or compromise.


While the Sun is in your 6th House, work and health occupy your attention and are your primary arenas for reestablishing equilibrium. Have you been putting too much energy into your job and neglecting your self-care routines? Reconsider your priorities and rework your daily schedule to include more of what you love and value. Start small, knowing that little changes can have a major impact. Beautify your work environment by redecorating or simply bringing in fresh flowers.

The Libra Sun visits your 5th House, the realm of romance, but taking things slowly is the best approach. If you're already in a relationship, put on the charm to relight the romantic spark. Creative projects are also highlighted this month, especially completing something you started in the past or resurrecting an old project. In all endeavors, following your heart and what feels like fun leads to a greater sense of harmony.


Your cosmic assignment from the Libra Sun while in your 4th House of Home & Family is one you can happily get behind: to beautify your nest. Redecorate and rearrange your home in the interest of creating a more peaceful and harmonious environment. This is a favorable time to apply the principles of Feng Shui. Relationships with relatives are also highlighted, and you could be revisiting past challenges with family members. What needs to be healed and released so you can move forward?


Peace of mind is on the agenda, as the Libra Sun harmonizes your the mental realm of your 3rd House. If life is pulling you in too many directions, take a break from the busyness to reestablish inner equilibrium. Your higher mind, which can be accessed in silence, has just as much information for you as the people and media in your immediate environment. Avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding by speaking and listening with extra sensitivity.

The focus is on finances this month while the Sun is in your 2nd House and you're invited to balance your budget and gain peace of mind in money matters. A new approach to old financial issues is possible now, with a fresh perspective on your resources. Re-vision your relationship to abundance and prosperity, noticing any negative thoughts about what you deserve and what you're worth. Release anxiety and re-set your mind in a positive direction!


Happy Birthday, Libra! The Sun in your own sign and in your 1st House of Self puts you in the spotlight and launches a new cycle. You may want to make changes to your appearance or how you present yourself to reflect your new sense of identity. Take time to recalibrate your inner scales before making any big decisions or taking action. Exercising, getting a massage or meditating are some recommended routes to inner peace.

This is a quiet time for you to focus on your inner world as the Sun hides out in your 12th House, the realm of Spirit and Secrets. Rest, retreat and reflection are strategies for returning to a state of internal harmony and recharging your batteries. Your sensitivity and intuition are stronger than ever now, and you can more easily tap into the wisdom of your dreams. Discover what wants to be released so you can make a fresh start when the Sun moves into your own sign next month.


The Libra Sun energizes your social life and opens doors to new visions for the future as it transit your 11th House of Networking. By connecting with others and contemplating different perspectives, you receive innovative insights that could alter your life's direction. You're also seeing current friendships in new light, and rethinking which connections best serve you.


Work, success and personal goals consume your attention -- even more than usual with the Libra Sun in your 10th House of Career & Public Image. Rather than making a new start and charging forward, this is a time for revisiting work issues from the past and reevaluating where you're headed. Patience is required as you gather different viewpoints and weigh your options -- move slowly and take your time to get it right. Professional relationships are key this month, and you might need to employ extra tact in business dealings.


What do you believe? What is your inner truth? These are the questions up for re-examination as the Sun visits your 9th House of Philosophy and Religion. Consider which beliefs from your past want to be brought forward into your present and future -- and which you may be ready to let go of. Take advantage of your heightened intuition by tuning into the big-picture perspective behind everyday occurrences.

You feel drawn to deepen your connections as the Libra Sun highlights your 8th House of intimate partnerships. As you reveal more of your emotional truth with a trusted partner, pay close attention to how your words are being received, as there's a potential for misinterpretation.