December 2023 - That's a Wrap

As expected, 2023 has been a year of massive shifts, a trend that will continue in 2024. Luckily, instead of rushing to the finish line, we will be inspired to slow down and embrace reflection, allowing us to catch our breath.  December kicks off with the sun shining in Sagittarius, a future-oriented sign whose influence has us asking all sorts of philosophical questions. What have we learned from the materialistic decadence of the past that can help us create a more functional and inclusive future for all? With Pluto shifting to Aquarius almost for good on January 20, deeply meaningful themes are on our minds.

Venus moves out of its ruling zodiac Libra, into deep, transformational Scorpio on December 4. Love runs deep. We may feel quick to fall in love or feel an intense surge of emotions for those we care about. This can be very romantic, steamy energy, so use it to your advantage! At the root of Venus in Scorpio is how we love ourselves and how safe and secure we feel in loving others. Opening our hearts, being vulnerable, and falling in love takes a lot of courage and often can come with a lot of pain. Falling in love still remains one of the greatest human experiences, but it certainly comes with its challenges. Honor all you have learned in love, and all that love has taught you. Venus moves out of deep and reflective Scorpio, into lighter territory in Sagittarius on December 29. Venus in Sagittarius loves to feel wild and free. Travel may be on your mind, and it can be incredibly restorative under this alignment. Plan a fun outing or getaway to make the most of this energy.

On December 6, Neptune stations direct after being retrograde since the end of June. Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams, and wishes. When its stations retrograde, we can often get a wake-up call and a harsh awakening to the reality that is currently unfolding. We may find that as Neptune emerges from its retrograde journey, we are called to do away with outdated dreams and wishes. Illusions may come tumbling down, allowing us to see a greater truth. If the wool has been pulled over our eyes, we may begin to get moments of clarity. Whenever Neptune is active in our cosmic skies, we also receive a surge of creative energy, so use this to your advantage if there is a problem that needs to be solved or a project that needs to be completed.

The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12,  inspires expansion and travel and stokes our thirst for learning. This lunation imposes a newfound sense of optimism and abundance; remember Sagittarius is ruled by benevolent Jupiter. The Sagittarius new moon also presents the ideal time to do inner spiritual work, travel, and socialize. That's because new moons are a time of fresh starts, and the fire sign's brazen attitude inspires us to take risks and go after what we want. The general vibe of this new moon is amplified thanks to Jupiter, which will be hanging out in. Jupiter in Taurus lends a fierce tenacity to this new moon. The new moon may inspire you to dream big, but Jupiter in Taurus is giving you the dedication you need to turn those dreams into a reality.

The last Mercury retrograde of the year which officially ends in January 2024 begins on December 12 as well. Now  is a final opportunity for everyone to go back and tidy up our projects and activities of 2023. While retrogrades can be messy, they do help us to critically review aspects of our lives that may be weak or unfinished. This retrograde is sure to pack a punch for because it will transit both Capricorn and then Sagittarius. This time around, the messenger planet begins shifting its retrograde cycle in earth signs, which dominated 2023, beginning its backward dance through fire signs, a trend that will continue next year. When Mercury slides into Sagittarius on December 22, the sign of the Archer is a weird fit for the communication planet. Sagittarius is a travel sign, and Mercury represents modes of transportation. This is going to make traveling over the holidays, which is already chaotic, that much more. If you are flying, the already beleaguered airline industry is stretched pretty thin, there will be delays and technical issues. Plan on getting to the airport earlier than usual, keep your itinerary flexible and your irritation in check. 

Going even deeper, we could even say that this retrograde of Mercury will color an entire season. On December 21, the sun enters Capricorn, the last cardinal sign of the zodiac. It is officially Winter for us here in the Northern Hemisphere. In the astrological chart of the Winter Solstice 2023, retrograde Mercury is conjunct the sun, meaning that this period of adjustment and revision of our entire life and belief system will extend until March 20, when the Spring Equinox arrives.  Revisions and adjustments aren’t necessarily bad, after all, they also mean second chances. As the Capricorn sun transits the cosmos, it’s connecting to retrograde Jupiter and Saturn. Over the season ahead, the projects that didn’t quite gel for us in the second part of 2023 could now return and be successful.

On December 26, the last full moon of the year rises in the skies of Cancer, it’s home sign. And there is plenty of healing and nurturing energy in the sky. It’s also receiving a helpful sextile from the luck planet Jupiter and a stabilizing trine from Saturn.  Overall, this is a potent lunation that’s happening around the holidays. Whatever holiday you are celebrating or if you are just spending time at home with family, this full moon will polish off the year with warmth and nurturance.

The month does end on a high note as Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and luck, ends its four-month retrograde on December 30. Since September, Jupiter has requested we slowdown in terms of growth and expansion. With the finality of getting us to be absolutely clear concerning our true desires, productivity has slowed down in the past few months. With this time in our hands, we’ve gone down rabbit holes, comparing, reviewing, and revising our strategies for growth. Now, as Jupiter goes direct on we most likely have a clear plan in hand. We know exactly what to spend our energy on and what to leave behind. Jupiter will now remain direct in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, most likely adding gains to the pocket of those who dare to make bold and audacious moves.

Well we close the books on another year!  As always I thank all of you for your support and encouragement, it means a lot.  Have a blessed holiday season in whatever way speaks to you and see you in the New Year!

Click here for December’s Horoscopes