February 2024 - New Beginning & Revival

The energy in the sky is finally starting to gain momentum after a slow start to 2024. January’s astrology kicked off the year with a Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Capricorn, making Mercury’s usually direct line to communication and efficiency a little frenetic. In February, however, Mercury’s back in direct action and moving into logical and straightforward Aquarius, where Mars and Venus will soon follow. All three celestial bodies will meet Pluto in Aquarius at 0 degrees, charging the air with a need to act. Remember: Pluto just returned to Aquarius in January, after its dip back into Capricorn. Now, in direct motion, it will remain in Aquarius until August 31. It will take one last spin in Capricorn from September 1 through November 18 and move back into Aquarius on November 19 where it will remain until March 8, 2043.

February is a highly active month thanks in large part to Pluto’s move into Aquarius, but the energies will rise slowly since Pluto is a generational planet and orbits the sun very slowly. February will give us a brief taste of how Pluto’s activation will transform over the next 20 years. All this Aquarian energy is filling the air with palpable innovative energy. This sign lives for innovation and, most of all, change. So, expect some changes for the better to occur as you release the old and bring in the new.

Here are a few notable transits coming up in February.

On February 9 we have the Aquarius New Moon. Following last month’s Capricorn new moon, the Aquarius new moon in February is bringing new perspectives around authority, control, and community. This might lead you to reconsider where you fall under current power structures and how you might want to change them. Aquarius, the rebel, enjoys asking questions, pushing the boundaries, and challenging the status quo. Of course, this intense push for change is something we’ll feel on a collective level now that Pluto has moved into Aquarius.

In Western culture, we celebrate the turn of the new year on January 1. But in Chinese astrology, the Lunar New Year occurs on February 10. The year 2024 marks the Year of the Dragon, a sign that symbolizes strength, courage, power, and success. Given the power that comes with this Chinese zodiac sign, it might be the perfect time to recharge your New Year’s resolutions if you’ve been slacking already. I’ll have more information in a separate post in a few days.

Mars Enters Aquarius and Conjuncts Pluto on February 13. This energy will linger for a few days and bring a rise of power and passion. We can channel this energy into our projects and goals and wherever we need more motivation. We can also channel it into a new exercise or self-care routine. Think of this energy as a spark that you can use to bring more fire to an area of your life. This energy, however, can also be a bit harsh and volatile. If there are tense situations, this alignment can bring more heat, causing things to overflow. We may experience power struggles or clashes with others. On a global level, this planetary combination can sometimes bring protests or violence.

Now it’s Venus’s turn! Three days later on February 16, Venus follows suit, enters Aquarius and Conjuncts Pluto. This is an incredibly powerful energy that we will feel over the coming days. Venus is the planet of Love, and as it enters Aquarius and joins with Pluto, we can feel a surge of love energy flowing into our higher chakras. Venus in Aquarius teaches us to love and accept others for who they are, rather than trying to make them into something they are not. The more we can embrace someone’s true authentic self and help them to shine bright, the deeper our love can grow. Venus and Pluto are also a power combination, indicating success in partnerships, especially monetary success. Venus and Pluto can also bring power struggles when it comes to relationships and a need to assert and stand in our power. It’s time to take back control of who we want to be, and how we are showing up in our relationships.

Pisces season begins on February 18! Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so this is our final chapter before we begin a new trip around the Sun. We may feel a sense of closure, endings, and completion. We may also feel that we have reached a full circle moment where we are able to look back and appreciate the journey we have traveled. Pisces is a very soft, intuitive, and creative energy, so we may be feeling extra creative or even emotional on this day. Spending time in creation mode, with loved ones, and by the water are all great ways to embrace this beautiful Piscean energy.

Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into the sign of Pisces on February 23. With Mercury in Pisces, communication and our thinking process can feel a bit scattered. We may be feeling extra indecisive or have a hard time pinpointing how we truly feel about something. This is our opportunity to go with the flow and to trust our hearts over our minds. If you are feeling this scattered energy, try to imagine energy flowing from your head into your heart and lower chakras.

Also on the 23rd, Venus and Mars, our two cosmic lovers come together! This is a wonderful energy for bringing the divine masculine and feminine energies into balance. Work on creating this balance in your own mind, body, and soul by setting intentions around your masculine energy and your feminine energy. Perhaps spend time meditating on what those qualities mean to you. This is also a great time for love and relationships. The energy of Mars and Venus combined helps us to bring more of a balanced approach when it comes to seeking out a partner.

We have a beautiful Full Moon in the sign of Virgo on February 24. This may feel like a bit of a heavy Full Moon, but that is only because Saturn is hovering near, and Saturn wants us to take responsibility for our actions and how we truly feel about something. Saturn is the Master Teacher of the zodiac, he wants us to level up and step into our highest karma, so very often he brings challenges to keep us moving and growing. We may feel these challenges rising up under the Full Moon. It will be important for us to set boundaries and to keep coming back to this idea of responsibility. The Full Moon falling in Virgo makes it soft, sensitive, and a beautiful time for getting in touch with our emotions. It is also a good time to focus on our routine and how we can create a daily schedule that supports our health.

On February 28 the Sun and Saturn come together for their annual alignment. Mercury is also adding its energy to the mix too, giving this year’s alignment a little more flair! The Sun and Saturn coming together help us to appreciate the lessons that Saturn is trying to instill in our lives. As mentioned earlier, Saturn is our Master Teacher and is considered to be the planet of Karma. He brings us the hard lessons, but never anything more than we can handle! On this day, our lessons from Saturn can start to feel a little more like gifts. On each Saturn lesson that we master, we grow in strength and wisdom. Pay attention to the lessons and teachings that the Universe has been delivering to you. Honor how far you have come, and keep in your heart that life is truly a beautiful journey of growth.

This year is a leap year and February 29 is the extra day of the year to bring the calendar into the correct alignment, however, this extra day can have us feeling scattered and all over the place. We can feel a little energetically off-center, however, we can also channel this to our advantage. Think of this extra day as an opportunity to leap forward in an area of our lives and to play catch up on all that we need to do. After all, it is an extra day to play with.  

 Click here to read your February Horoscopes