September 2018 - Getting our Ducks in a Row

September 2018 - Getting our Ducks in a Row

Well, we survived the Summer of the Retrogrades.  At one point we had 6 planets in retrograde motion and I am sure none of us escaped without a hit or two. And let’s not forget those eclipses. But that’s behind us now as we look forward to September. Don’t expect to feel immediately lighter, it will happen, but it will take a few weeks for the retrograde “fog” to completely lift. Now is our month to clean up and tidy up all the energetic baggage we have been dealing with. It is a month to get organized and to sort through all that has been removed and all that has been left behind.

Cancer the Crab

Cancer the Crab

Today is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Sun moves into Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and belongs to the element of water. The Moon has no light of her own; she can only reflect the light that's given to her by the Sun. In Cancer, we enter the world of emotions and feelings, as well as needs, intuition and the ability to bond with another human being. The rational Gemini self-awareness leads readily into Cancer's intuitive self-reflection and its personalized, feelings-based assessment of life. We now enter the realm of the non-rational, not necessarily irrational, but that which does not adhere to conventional logic or cause-and-effect. Feelings and emotions are like invisible forces made perceptible by external events that cause internal ripples. Our feeling state can be affected by internal psychological dynamics and includes emotions, but also includes the intuitive senses. You can have a “feeling” about something without necessarily having an emotional response to it.

Gemini the Twins

Gemini the Twins

Gemini the third sign of the zodiac begins its transit of the Sun on May 20th.  Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury. We have set off on a cosmic journey starting with Aries and Taurus. The Aries cycle brought a great burst of life force and initiative, like a seed exploding full of potential and possibilities. In the Taurus cycle, we planted this seed and stabilized its growth to ensure it has the fuel and endurance to survive the long process ahead. Now we reach the Gemini phase of our journey.