May 2019 - Ready, Set, Go!

The month of May gives us a bit of stability to reset our equilibrium. It is uneventful even though we begin the month with 3 retrograde planets.  These retrogrades are not so “in your face”, as you would find with Mercury, Venus and Mars; they put us in a contemplative mood. Jupiter makes for a good time to review your belief systems and goals and aim for inner growth and expansion; Saturn's retrograde is the ideal period in which to review long-term goals, career satisfaction and relationships with authority figures; and Pluto's retrograde period might lead you to question how power plays into your relationships and prompt you to question your own power. As the Sun makes its annual rounds through the earthy, steadfast sign of Taurus until May 21, take the opportunity to plant deep roots and let your ideas gain traction.

May begins with a New Moon in Taurus on May 4. This New Moon feels like we are on fertile ground for new growth. Taurus is connected to burgeoning blossom of late spring and there’s still time to plant out late summer “seeds”. What we begin now may take time to germinate, but our patience will be rewarded. Also, remember Venus rules Taurus and as such this new Moon is a lusty one. It's great for reigniting the passion in your relationship or for inviting more pleasure in. The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18 highlights two opposing principals of security with the Sun in Taurus and healing through transformation with the Scorpio Moon.  We are confronted by needs we may not even recognize. The polarity of the Sun and Moon are in fixed signs, so what we're dealing with is deeply rooted. What's opened here, with the Full Moon, is a moment to really see the entrenched structure of the psyche, and how it shapes our lives and relationships. This is a really good time to examine your shadow issues and deal with them to achieve peace in your life.

Mercury will temper the pace on May 6 as he enters leisurely Taurus. Our thinking becomes more ponderous and deliberate. Thoughts turn to practical issues such as money matters and work. Also be prepared for yourself and others to be more stubborn than usual due to Taurus' fixed nature.

Venus enters Taurus on May 15. Now that she is in one of her home signs, Venus feels more able to express herself. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is solid, practical and reliable.  For the next four weeks you can expect harmony in love and finances. Venus represents our values (and valuables) and Taurus is a store of value. The same day Mars enters Cancer. Mars is considered to be in his “Fall” in Cancer.  This means that, of all the Signs of the Zodiac, Mars functions most poorly in Cancer. Mars can be explosive, while Cancer exudes love. There will be times when it feels like you are the rope in your own private tug-of-war, but this is also an opportunity to discover what works or doesn’t for you. Mars is the driving force behind our sexual desires, and Cancer infuses that physical desire with emotional power. Mars/Cancer blend has a knack for helping people to come together physically as well as emotionally.

The atmosphere lightens again on May 21 as both the Sun and Mercury leap into airy Gemini. These are chatty, happy transits that encourage us to reach out and connect. The Sun in Gemini encourages us to move quickly, multitask and be flexible.  Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication is home in Gemini. When this planet sets up camp in Gemini, a cosmic door is being swung open, helping us become more clear-headed, objective, and mentally flexible. This is a time when we're encouraged to take in a huge breath of fresh Gemini air, and let curiosity teach our minds how to be young again.

We end the month on May 29 on a rather tense note when Mercury/Neptune/Jupiter forms a T Square. This transit will last through the end of the week. With Neptune’s penchant for the unconscious in conflict with overly optimistic Jupiter and both fighting Mercury, this can be a week of when it’s easy to lose the path and not even realize it.  Communication will be fraught with confusion because Jupiter ignores the bad and exaggerates the good and Neptune denies the bad and fantasizes the good.  This transit warns to do a reality check before you agree or commit to anything.

Sun Sign Horoscopes for the Sun in Gemini


In your 3rd House of Learning, the Sun stirs your desire to explore a new subject or acquire a new skill. Take time to define your priorities and consider what information you really need to move toward your long-term goals.


The Sun in your 2nd House of Finances invites you to explore new sources of income and focus on building your base of security. Seek out different perspectives on money management and prosperity consciousness by talking with friends, taking a class or reading a book or blog. You should feel the push to think big, and Gemini's bold influence can inspire you to take calculated risks to follow your inspiration!


Happy Birthday, Gemini! The return of the Sun to your 1st House of Self represents a time of personal renewal and new beginnings. Pay special attention to what inspires you, and commit to freeing up more space for pursuing your passions. During your birthday month, give yourself permission to make a change, reinvention or total transformation!


The Sun slips into your 12th House of Endings, marking the close of your personal yearly cycle -- a time for resting, retreating and regenerating. Take time to reflect on what you've created, and pay attention to your dreams for clues about the new vision that wants to come forward. Explore your thoughts on deeper levels of intimacy and see what kind of roadblocks you may have to clear in order to receive love and support from others.


In your 11th House of Groups and Friends, the Gemini Sun stimulates your social life and signifies an auspicious time for networking. Reaching out and connecting with your community feeds your vitality and attracts support for reaching your goals. You may form tighter bonds -- or even begin new friendships -- that will ultimately allow you to achieve your dream job or go full-force after a project you've wanted to launch.


The Sun in your 10th House of Career calls for taking concrete steps toward reaching your goals. Projects that involve marketing, sales, writing and teaching are especially favored as your fellow Mercury-ruled sign, Gemini, is highlighted. Think of any bad habits you may have, especially things like lifestyle and finances. Work through these so you can achieve more worldly ambitions!


In your 9th House of Expansion, the Sun stirs up your desire to step outside your comfort zone and explore new territory. Unplug from the busyness of daily life to travel, meditate and get a higher perspective on ordinary reality. The Sun in Gemini challenges you to set boundaries so you can free up your time and have more fun!


The Sun shines on your 8th House of Intimacy, inspiring you to connect more deeply and improve communications with a significant other. Be willing to share more of your inner world with your partner, and make a point of inquiring about their needs and feelings. With Gemini's flirty influence, you may find that the "work" of making your relationship strong can give way to new heights of passion for both of you -- no good deed will go unrewarded.


The Sun in your 7th House of Partnership enlivens your significant relationships and suggests a favorable period for cooperation, collaboration and negotiation. If you're single and looking, use good judgment about the person you might want to pursue. Really think hard about whether a new partnership will be a benefit to you, or simply a distraction. Only take steps that will improve your self-esteem!


Lighting up your 6th House of Everyday Routines, the Gemini Sun inspires new ideas about how to become more efficient, effective and organized in your daily life. This is also a favorable time for seeking out different perspectives on health care and making changes in diet and exercise that improve your well-being. Gemini's innovative influence can also allow you to do a couple "thought experiments" that may land you with a brilliant, wealth-expanding business plan.


The Sun sets off sparks in your 5th House of Romance -- a time for revitalizing your relationship by demonstrating your love. If you're seeking a new partner, make a point of going out to social events and participating in fun activities to enhance the potential for meeting someone special. Otherwise, take on Gemini's ability to relate to nearly anyone and use it to better merge with your lover.


In your 4th House of Foundations, the Sun draws you inward to focus attention on your home, family and emotional realm. Get in touch with what you need to feel secure and supported, and communicate your needs to your family, housemates and close friends -- chatty Gemini will help you form words out of your often-abstract thoughts. Pay special attention to how you can move forward, letting old wounds heal and fighting your urge to flee from intimacy.  

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