The Great American Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse

Back in 1979, Jimmy Carter was President, gas was $0.86 per gallon and a solar eclipse blanketed the Pacific Northwest of the United States.  Many visitors traveled there since it would be the last chance to view a total solar eclipse in the contiguous United States for almost four decades. Now that time has passed and on August 21st the next total solar eclipse will take place.

Mercury Rx in Virgo & Leo

Mercury Rx in Virgo & Leo

Mercury will begin its retrograde orbit in the sign of Virgo on August 12th and then move into Leo on the 31st and remain there until it turns direct on September 5th.   Virgo works hard; it is driven to perfect the skills it acquires so that it may be of service to the whole. Having Mercury retrograde during Eclipse season is definitely a cautionary tale to slow down and not be in a hurry to act. It also means that more information is likely to be revealed when Mercury goes direct again.

Cancer and The Mother

Cancer and The Mother

The twelve signs of the Zodiac represent twelve different characters, sort of like roles in a play. They can be described as archetypes, models into which human personality traits tend to group. Plato had theories about mental ideas - or forms - that were imprinted in the human mind before birth.