April 2016 - Life on Pause

??????? Just when we get ourselves back in “go” mode after winter’s lethargy, April comes along and hits the pause button.  To be fair, the month starts out energetic enough. If you’ve got new projects you want to launch, kick them off before April 5th. After that point things begin to slow down – way down.  But with a little planning, we can get through it.

There’s a New Moon in Aries on April 7th and normally this is an energetic Moon inspiring you to move forward. But the Moon has difficult aspects with Uranus and Pluto and it’s more likely you’ll find yourself motivated by fear and anxiety. If that’s the case, take a deep breath, and remind yourself it’s just a moment in time. The mood brightens a little the following week and you’ll have a second chance to launch what you couldn’t the first few days of the month.

Then we hit the brakes.  We already have Saturn in retrograde motion pushing us to re-evaluate what we hold dear and then our action planet Mars, begins his 74-day retrograde on April 17th . During his reversal we may feel more restrained and unwilling to take risks. The very next day, transformative Pluto begins his retrograde transit.  Now typically, Pluto spends 6 months out of the year Retrograde and so its impact is expected, but the combo with Mars is trying under the best of circumstances.

Not to be left out of the party, Mercury turns retrograde on April 28th in Taurus. In addition to the classic communication snafus (get those files backed up) Mercury retrograde in Taurus brings stubborn blockages connected with new ideas, powers of concentration and putting ideas into a practical format. Access to the most direct route to your goals is likely to be blocked by breakdowns in communication and unwillingness to compromise.

The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th and brings much-needed patience for dealing with slow-moving situations. But it also means that for a few weeks, no planets have any va-va-voom, what astrologers call essential dignity, so motivation is at a low.

And finally, the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 22nd isn’t the easiest of Moons either. The polarity of the Sun and Moon are in fixed signs, so what we're dealing with is deeply rooted, stubborn, possibly stuck in one way of doing things.

But before you throw in the towel - take heart! With a little awareness, however, there are things you can do to turn things to your advantage.

Consider April the perfect month to:

  •  Practice mindfulness. Be in the moment. Things may not go according to plan, but focus on what you can do. Slow down and do one thing at a time.
  •  Use the pleasure principle to motivate yourself. Once you’ve managed to get something checked off your list, be nice to yourself and indulge in a little reward.
  •  Finds was to incorporate meditation into your day. With the planets giving you the opportunity you might as well take advantage of the time for reflection.  Plus meditation is a great way to relieve stress.

Saturn Rx in Sagittarius - Freedom with Responsiblity


Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius

March 25 to August 16, 2016

Saturn Retrograde is one long test of our endurance. Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma and will relate to how responsible you have been in the past.

Sagittarius wants FREEDOM to do what it wants, how it wants and when it wants. Saturn demands RESTRAINT and calls for maturity, structure and boundaries. I predict that this transit will place us in some grueling circumstances where we must discern very carefully what we deem right and wrong. Saturn shines a magnifying glass to examine our perceived altruism, willingness to learn and potential to expand, to become something greater than the Self. Saturn teaches that change is necessary to move forward. We must completely surrender, you will feel cleansed and joyously empty, ready to rebuild. But don’t fool yourself into believing you’ll get let off the hook without doing any work.

Adding to this already difficult time is that Saturn has been in a square with Neptune since November of 2015 and will remain there throughout this transit. You can no longer scapegoat and blame others for your problems in life. Everyone is dealing with the results of the past several years of hard pressure and deep trauma. The previous Uranus/Pluto squares have taken its toll on us. We have been brought low and must figure out how we will live from here. We are faced with cleansing and controlling ourselves and our lives and not blaming anyone else for anything. That message is clear. If we choose to be deluded (Neptune in Pisces) and blame others rather than do the hard work and practice (Saturn) what we preach (Sagittarius) we will only hurt ourselves. Our hypocrisy will, in the end, only damage us.

Saturn is challenging us to...

Learn that there is freedom and liberation in abiding by certain rules and in some level of self-denial. Freedom is not     about escaping responsibility, it is about what we can enjoy after tending to our responsibilities.

Seek practical applications of our personal philosophies by firming up our belief systems while avoiding rigid thinking.

Making clear choices and decisions for weeding out what isn’t working for us and for letting go of lost causes.

Eliminate excessive or overdone expectations through a healthy dose of realism. Remember you can still practice  positive mindset and yet be realistic and spiritually uplifted.


Libra Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

essentialzodiacLibraMoonEclipse A Full Moon occurs when the Moon is opposite the Sun.  This particular Full Moon in pacifying Libra versus the willful Aries Sun on March 23rd, opens fresh perspectives on relationships. We may have an inclination to compromise, yet this event is a Lunar Eclipse that signals the need to release unnecessary patterns of accommodation. Recognizing our range of choices from independence to co-dependence will provide more options on where we stand with others. If conflicts arise, looking at them more objectively will reduce tendencies to blame yourself and others, leading to more harmonious solutions. During the peak of this eclipse, the signs of Libra (what we want) and Aries (what I want) will be staring each other down. A compromise of some nature, revolving around an ending, is in the works. Many of us are going to have to find a way to balance out the needs of others, in addition to our own, through this process. The Aries in us will want to satisfy our needs: “What am I getting out of this?” Then the Libra side of things will be saying: “Hey what about the other people around?” Something is going to have to give and not everyone will get to walk away with exactly what they want. So if you’re looking for answers this is a time to really keep your awareness up. New revelations as well as thoughts about serious matters could come into focus. With so many planets in Pisces, forgiveness holds the key to healing during this transit. Find out what’s really going on with your emotions and look for a spiritual source to satisfy your needs rather than looking to another person to fulfill them. The following is how this Libra Full Moon Eclipse will affect each sign: Aries: Your 7th House of Relationships comes into play at the peak of this eclipse. There is a focus on relationships and it’s not just about lovers. Close friends, business partners—even competitors—could be themes of your letting go process. There could also be agreements that are finally finalized or an alliance could end in some way.

Taurus: Your 6th House of Work is in focus now and this puts your working environment, co-workers, pets, health and daily routines into prime focus. This eclipse brings something to a head or closes something out. It marks a finishing point of something in one of these areas for you. If you’ve been thinking of letting a bad habit go or perhaps focusing on your health, this is a great time to do so.

Gemini: Your 5th House of Creativity comes into focus with this eclipse. This could be the wrap up point of an important personal project or speculative venture. A situation with a child could finally come to a point where a resolution is achieved. It’s also possible that you make a decision about what to do about a romantic relationship.

Cancer: Your 4th House of Family, home, real estate and things of domestic nature are highlighted. An ending or completion regarding one of these themes could be prominent now. The energy could also allow you to see things in this area of your life in an entirely different way.

Leo: Your 3rd House of Communication is the focal point of this eclipse and that puts a real focus on your ability to connect with others. Siblings, relatives, study, travel, technology and communications in general become quite highlighted for you. You might want to watch your car—particularly if you’ve been having some problems with it. Maybe it’s time to let it go. Education or some sort of learning endeavor could also come to the table or come to a completion point.

Virgo: Your 2nd House of Material Possessions is highlighted with this eclipse and this could bring things regarding a financial matter to a head or a completion of some sort. You might be ready to start or implement some changes in how you handle your finances. There’s financial completion going on and you’re moving towards a place of getting your debts in better order. Things that you value or possess, which are not just things of monetary value, could also be re-looked at and possibly let go or seen in a new light.

Libra: This particular eclipse is happening in your sign and placing it in your 1st House of Self  makes this time a very powerful one for you.   A focus into your identity, who you are as a person and the stamp you want to make on the world around you could really be highlighted for you at this time. You may stand up for yourself and decide to close an important chapter of your life as a result.

Scorpio: Your 12th House of the Subconscious comes into focus with this eclipse and this is the realm where things are hidden or undercover. You might feel the effects of this intense energy on an inner plane and it could be a time for revelations about the past to come into light. It’s also possible that you begin to understand yourself on a deeper level and really discover your inner motivations. Be careful not to beat yourself up though, sometimes diving too deep can put you in a rut and you shouldn’t do that. Hang around your upbeat friends at this time, you’ll need them to lighten the mood.

Sagittarius: Your 11th House of Friends and Groups you belong to comes into view here. This is also the realm of earnings from your work or career. Perhaps you decide to take on some added responsibilities with a group you belong to or with a friendship. A big project could end or a long-term goal could come to be fully realized. On a large scale, your 11th house has to do with your hopes and dreams and this eclipse could close out the process of something big you’ve been working towards.

Capricorn: Your 10th House of Career and the Public comes into view with this eclipse energy.  The energy released here may actually energize your career, reputation or how you look to others. Your parents or your role as a parent could also be highlighted here. On a deep level, your entire destiny and life mission could come into play and that is definitely something to consider. It’s also possible that you close out a job or take on a new boss or authority figure. Whatever the case, a new development at work is in the making.

Aquarius: Your 9th House of Wisdom comes into full view with this eclipse. The impact of this area of your chart being highlighted puts an emphasis on a trip, something of a foreign nature, a religious pursuit or your belief system, a learning endeavor or educational pursuit, something involving a legal situation or maybe even your in-laws.

Pisces: Your 8th House of Shared Resources come into focus with this eclipse. Maybe you’ve been receiving help from someone and you decide you no longer need it. This is also the realm of investments and you might decide to re-look at your financial holdings and make a new plan of some sort. Additionally this area of your chart that relates to divorce and endings of people you know. There could be a passing of someone in your circle  Sexual intimacy is also connected to this area and it’s possible that this Lunar Eclipse pushes you to take a relationship to a deeper and more intimate level.

Pisces New Moon/Solar Eclipse

essentialzodiacnmoonpiscessoleclip On March 8th, the Pisces New Moon will also be a Solar Eclipse.  While the Eclipse will only be visible in Southeast Asia, its impact will be felt globally.  Both a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse is about new beginnings.  It's about letting go and embracing a new direction. A Solar Eclipse can only occur at a New Moon and the Solar Eclipse super-charges the New Moon. That's significant fresh-start possibilities. This eclipse occurs in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac year. In Pisces, the Moon is intuitive, spiritual, insightful, hopeful and attuned to the energies beyond the physical and mental realms.  This New Moon offers an opportunity to connect with your personal "dream time".  Along with the Pisces Sun, this is an excellent time to tap into our inner resources as we plan for the coming year. I see this eclipse as a ray of hope during a time of tremendous upheaval for all of us. Clearly, many of us are at a crossroads. The Solar Eclipse will not only offer a breath of fresh air, it will help us feel ready to stop holding our breath. This eclipse will give us the faith we need to finally let go.

To see how this energy will affect you, check out the horoscopes below. Remember with eclipses this energy is around for at least 6 months!

Aries - This is a time for being invisible and retreating into your inner world. Your intuition will lead you toward awareness of your hidden tendencies with the Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 12th House of the Subconscious. Although it's up to others to let you know if you have overstepped their boundaries, you can prevent an embarrassing moment by thinking before you act unconsciously. Tread carefully in your pursuit of pleasure.

Taurus - The Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 11th House of Groups and Friends signals a time for expanding into a greater sense of connection with you. Motives are muddied by passions, so don't assume that you know how others are feeling unless they explicitly tell you. Re-assessing your own goals and considering alternate strategies is more constructive than causing an unpleasant scene.

Gemini - If you're worried about someone stealing your thunder the Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 10th House of Career will bring that to the fore.  It's wise to react to reality instead of creating a problem before it manifests. Your emotions may be out of whack, and they could precipitate an awkward situation at work unless you deal with your insecurities first. If your efforts are being undermined, then it will be certainly appropriate to take defensive action. Until such time, there's no reason to stress about things that might never happen, anyway.

Cancer - You would like to be making long-term plans because the Pisces Solar Eclipse activates your 9th House of Travel. However, it may seem rather hopeless to plan for your upcoming adventure when you still have so much work on your plate. Unfortunately, there are too many chores to finish in the present moment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don't attempt to do everything at once. There's no room for discouragement if you narrow your focus and complete just a few things well. Be kind to everyone, especially yourself.

Leo - Even if you aren't the overly jealous type, someone's actions could make you turn green with envy while the Pisces Solar Eclipse polarizes your 8th House of Intimacy. Of course, emotional possessiveness won't lead anywhere worthwhile, but knowing that it's unproductive won't necessarily change your feelings in the moment. Don't get stuck in an unbreakable cycle; relinquishing control might just be the most reliable path to happiness. Trust is the hardest thing to find and the easiest to lose.

Virgo - Someone's emotional disclosure can be rather upsetting to you, especially if you feel even partly responsible for the current instability in your relationship. However, it's crucial to separate your compassion for someone you love from your desire to fix what's wrong as the Pisces Solar Eclipse triggers your 7th House of Partnerships. However, simply listening and acknowledging what you hear might be the kindest thing you can do. Remember, you cannot change anyone's reactions but your own.

Libra -  This dreamy Pisces Solar Eclipse energy is in your mundane 6th House of Work and Health. You might be feeling indecisive about how you want to serve and about how you can best use your skills. Although you have many things to do, you lack clear direction in setting your priorities. Nevertheless, you feel increasing pressure to make a choice as soon as possible. It may surprise you to realize that it doesn't matter where you start; just decide on a destination and begin. Thankfully, each step will become easier once you're in motion.

Scorpio - You yearn to express yourself in spontaneous ways while the Pisces Solar Eclipse mobilizes your 5th House of Creativity and Fun, but you can't find the time to make your definitive statement. You could be feeling quite satisfied with your life, but more immediate concerns distract you from your desire for fun and games. The real question isn't about what you should do; it's about what your heart wants. Color outside the lines and see what happens; play now and pay later.

Sagittarius - Unsettling energy on the home front is not yet about to disappear with the Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of Family. You might be frustrated, yet you really don't know what to do about the current stressful dynamics. Perhaps it's time to accept that some things are beyond your control. Don't try to make everything better for everyone else just because you feel uncomfortable. Taking full responsibility for your own state of mind is your top priority. Your legendary optimism might be just what's needed to turn things around.

Capricorn - You prefer having your day mapped out in detail, but the Pisces Solar Eclipse is going to make that hard as it transits your 3rd House of Thinking. Your current schedule won't likely withstand the shifting pressures. Crossed messages may contribute to delays or a cancellation of a scheduled event, prompting you to think deeply about how you spend your leisure time. Rolling with the unexpected waves of change allows you to turn any setback into an exciting opportunity.

Aquarius -  Current complications drive you to reconsider your old ways of managing your finances as the Pisces Solar Eclipse lands your 2nd House of Resources. On a deeper level, your relationship to money is likely tied to what you feel you deserve. If you are struggling with issues of self-acceptance, a positive change in your attitude could directly impact your net worth. When you value your contribution with confidence, others will be more willing to pay you accordingly.

Pisces - The Pisces Solar Eclipse amplifies the cosmic energy in your 1st House of Self, marking an end to one significant phase of your life. Don't be afraid to feel the intensity of an emotional loss, especially if it helps you work through your unresolved issues. Remember, elimination is a necessary natural process that is required before renewal.


Sun Enters Capricorn


Sun in Capricorn December 21, 2015 to January 21, 2016

Winter arrives in the northern hemisphere when the Sun moves into cool Capricorn on December 21st, marking the longest night of the year and a time to celebrate the return of the light. This is the time of year we look for new hope at a time of darkness, which sets a serious tone. Astrologically, the Winter Solstice marks the moment the Sun, the ruler of the zodiac, moves from adventurous Fire sign Sagittarius to the steady Earth sign of Capricorn. This is the dark night of the year, a day when the Sun appears to stand still. It's a time for light and laughter, but also deep reflection. The Sun's move into steady Capricorn urges us to take some time to look back on 2015 before we make our plans for the coming year. What did we do right? What do we wish we'd done differently? Don't fight the seriousness it brings to the festive holiday season; use it to start 2016 on the right foot.

Most of us will be working hard to move forward toward something better now, just as the Capricorn symbol of the Mountain Goat forever climbs upward toward the mountain top We are reminded that each of us have a purpose in life. There are goals we work toward. The Sun in Capricorn picks up where the Sun in Sagittarius left off. The Sun is a visionary in Sagittarius. In Capricorn, the Sun takes what's been envisioned and finds a way to make it happen, to make the commitment, devise the plan, do the work, etc. Capricorn energy brings the need for solid, stable plans and structures. During the next few weeks you create your foundation for the year ahead.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  •  Attend to your physical world and apply discipline and structure where needed.
  •  Make sure your house is in order. For example, get your insurance, wills, etc. in place.
  •  Create your yearly financial plan of both expenses and income.
  •  Take care of business. Now is the time to act and get organized and plan for the future.