Aquarius the Water Bearer

Aquarius the Water Bearer

As we move from Saturn-based serious Capricorn on January 20th, into airy Aquarius we can feel a easing of our mood.  The sun in the expansive fixed, Air sign of Aquarius brings innovative ideas that can inspire and uplift your life. As you stretch your point of view to this vast outlook, you can gain new ideas and insights to stimulate your life plan. If you were working with the timings during the Sun in Capricorn, you most likely created your solid plan for the year ahead. It is time to allow Aquarius to work its magic. The Sun in Aquarius will give you a big overview of your life and help you put more goals and dreams in writing. Aquarius encourages you to not only think outside the box, but to let go of the box completely and reach for the stars.

The Year 2019/ January 2019 Overview - Reach for the stars with your Feet on the Ground

The Year 2019/ January 2019 Overview - Reach for the stars with your Feet on the Ground

I don’t think I am in the minority when I say 2018 has been a hard year to handle.  It was a year of inner growth and patience and it’s never easy to dig into our own closets and unearth and face the secrets and skeletons hiding there. We had much energy that was encouraging us to pause, reflect, and assess our motivation moving forward.